Development Control
Development Control deals with the present. The Local Authority plans in the Forward Planning section set out how Government (who set the overall policies) and Local Government (who interpret and apply the policies to their particular areas) want development to proceed.
When it comes to actually making it happen, the implementation stage, it's the turn of local developers and in some instances Local Authorities themselves to devise and get approval for individual projects. Each project comes into the public domain through a Planning Application, submitted for approval to the Development Control departments for the area concerned.
Applications can be viewed online via individual
Council Planning Portals, but you need to be specific
regarding the area (Community, Parish), date or
application number. These portals do not provide
facilities to look for applications for sites
specifically "within the Wye Valley AONB". However the
Society receives a weekly list, prepared by the Wye
Valley AONB Unit, of all applications within the AONB
boundaries. Any member of the Society requiring
requiring a copy of this list should contact the
Secretary. It is in Microsoft Excel (XLSX) format and
will be sent via email.
The planning portals for the 3 Planning Authorities
within the AONB can be found at the following web
addresses (unfortunately the portals all use different
interfaces so inputting search information is slightly
different in each case):
For Herefordshire the portal is here
For Monmouthshire the portal is here.
For the Forest of Dean the portal
is here
The projects pursued by the AONB Unit generally fall outside the scope of the Development Control process.