Looking after an area of outstanding natural beauty
The Wye Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty with its rolling farmland, dramatic limestone gorges, ancient woodlands, wild flower meadows and green lanes is widely appreciated and enjoyed. Members of the Wye Valley Society work to protect, enhance and promote the AONB, and to increase public involvement in and understanding of this unique landscape.
We are fully aware that this wonderful environment cannot be preserved unchanged but feel that changes should be in sympathy with existing patterns, historic features and natural aspects of the Wye Valley.
We believe that, for the benefit of residents and visitors alike, the area must be protected against insensitive and intrusive development, such as inappropriate building, industrial-scale intensive farming and mining development. We believe that the traditions and skills of a strong rural economy, vital to the beauty and sustainability of the countryside, should be encouraged and supported.
We work in partnership with a wide range of organisations with convergent aims, including the Wye Valley AONB Partnership, the Campaign to Protect Rural England and the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales. Our relationships with local councils are constructive but necessarily challenging especially on planning issues.
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