WVS AGM 2024
The 2022/2023 AGM of the Wye Valley Society was held at Redbrook Village Hall on Friday 24th May 2024 at 7:30PM.
There were 5 members of the Society present but a further 13 had given permission for the Secretary to act as their proxy in respect of 2 resolutions. The Secretary had previously informed all members, via the AGM notice letter, that the current Chair and Treasurer were no longer able to continue in their posts and thus, unless other members of the Society were willing to join the Committee, there were insufficient Committee Members/Trustees to allow the Society to continue. As no nominations for new Committee members had been received the Chairman concluded that the only way forward was to proceed with a resolution to dissolve the Society. This was agreed by all present and the 13 other members who had assigned their proxy vote to the Secretary. It was therefore resolved to instruct the 2 remaining Trustees; the Secretary and the Web Master/JAC representative, to start the process of dissolving the Wye Valley Society.
It was agreed that although this was a sad day after 56 years of the Society the focus had now switched to the parlous state of the River Wye and that a number of voluntary organisations were putting a great deal of effort into addressing this.
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